Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Prepared Motions English Debate | Galaction #8 | EWF #2

Conflict Resolution
1. THBT in instances where peaceful protests are met with a disproportionately violent state response, protesters should respond violently.
2. THBT ASEAN should have its own regional peace keeping force.
3. THBT the United States should dissolve its offensive military capabilities.

1. THBT developing countries should nationalize companies that extract their national resources.
2. THW increase the penalty to pedophiles to include permanent castration.
3. THW ban the practice of alternative medication (e.g. Guntur Bumi)

1. This House opposes organized religions
2. THBT progressive Catholic clergy members shouldself ex-communicate from the Church.
3. THBT the United States of America should fund moderate Madrassas (school of Islamic study) throughout the Islamic World

Launched at English Debate Technical Meeting, May 9th 2014

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IPM Mu'allimin
IPM Mu'allimin merupakan Pimpinan Ranting Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah yang terletak di Madrasah Mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Berlokasi di Jl. Let Jend S Parman No 68 Patangpuluhan, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta.