Maaf baru di posting sekarang, untuk Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris bagi yang mau download surat undangan beserta lampirannya, bisa download di sini (bagi yang punya akun 4shared harus login dlu baru bisa download):
Surat Undangan GALACTION#6.doc
Lampiran Surat GALACTION.doc
Adapun Motionnya adalah sebagai berikut:
- This House would say YES in 2014 Scottish independence referendum
- This House believes that Barack Obama deserves a second term
- This House believes that African Union has failed to achieve its objectives as a regional organization
- This House believes that the billions spent by Sheikh Mansur in Manchester City F.C should instead be used for the betterment of Ummah
- This House believes that English Premier League (EPL) should introduce the winter break.
- This House regrets China’s domination in international badminton scene
- THW gives authority to all schools to create their own curriculum
- THW ban ethnic-based student organizations
- THW not allow teacher union to strike
Ok, kita tunggu nih partisipasinya dari teman-teman semua. Dan jangan lupa ya kalau pendaftaran terakhir tanggal 18 Mei 2012 jam 09.00 pada saat Technical Meeting di Ruang Multimedia Madrasah Mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta :D
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